...but now one of the little guys is sick.
It is a young one...I think it might be a rooster. Three weeks ago I went into the coop and noticed that he was hiding, which is unusual. I went over to pick him up and he didn't run away. Uh Oh! Chickens pass disease amongst the flock very quickly, so I immediately put him in a cage and quarantined him on our back porch. I have googled his symptoms and come up empty, so I am feeding him and babying him, hoping for the best. There has been some improvement but he is clearly not ready to go back with his buddies. He is still bedraggled and struggling.
Poor pathetic thing! When I give him some "yard time" to stretch his legs he immediately goes over to the coop and stands there looking wistfully at the flock. Maybe next week, little fella!
On the creative front, I am beyond excited...Carol Cypher will be coming to Urban Stitch Studio from November 11-13, 2011! Carol is an incredibly talented bead and fiber artist whose work is at its most delightful when she combines the two. Her books are legendary and I have well thumbed copies of all of them sitting on my shelf. She is the author of Mastering Beadwork: A Comprehensive Guide to Off Loom Techniques , How We Felt , and Hand Felted Jewelry and Beads. Carol is a teacher of international renown and I am 'jump up and down thrilled' to bring her to town. I have picked out five workshops...some beading, some felting, and some a yummy combination of the two. More details to follow!
...and now, without further ado, the topic you really want to hear about....
The carbohydrate that changed my life.
I have a recipe that has impacted my life and the lives of those I love in such a way that I simply have to share the joy. I like to cook and I love to bake, but until recently I have never mastered the art of bread making. Although I have no difficulty with "cakey" recipes like banana bread, all of my attempts at real bread fell flat. Literally. I longed for the deliciously crunchy, decadently doughy, mouthwatering bread that one devours at good restaurants.
I did it!!! I found a recipe from Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day and started practicing. I tweaked the basic recipe a bit and am thrilled with the results. The totally cool thing is---you make the dough recipe in five minutes, let it sit in a plastic container for a few hours to rise, throw it in the refrigerator and you have enough bread for four meals! The only caveat: you MUST have a baking stone and a pizza peel. You cannot substitute a cookie sheet. I got mine from William-Sonoma. You will spend about $75 but it is so worth it. Your kids will be amazed, your husband will think you are brilliant, and your dinner guests will be dazzled.
Here is my adaptation:
Artisan Bread Recipe
3 cups of hot water (I just use hot water from my tap)
6 1/2 Cups of All Purpose Flour
1 1/2 Tablespoons of Yeast
1 1/2 Tablespoons of Sea Salt
1 1/2 Tablespoons of Sugar
Garlic (fresh or powdered)
Extra Sea Salt for sprinkling
Corn meal
Now for the fun part:
Making the Dough:
1. Pour the yeast into the hot water and stir to dissolve. Sort of dissolved is OK.
2. Put the Flour, Salt and Sugar into an electric mixing bowl. Add the yeast water. Mix together for a minute...just until combined.
3. The mixture will be very gooey. Wet your hands and scoop the sticky dough out and into a large-ish plastic container with a lid. I use a plastic shoe box that I bought from Target. Put the lid on lightly, and leave the box on the counter for a few hours. The bread will rise to the top of the box. Put it in the refrigerator. It will last up to a week in the refrigerator, although we have never had a problem polishing it off before that point.
Baking the Bread:
1. About an hour before you plan to eat dinner, get out your pizza peel and sprinkle it very liberally with corn meal.
3. Place the Hunk O' Dough on the pizza peel and put it on the counter.
4. Put the baking stone in the oven. I use the rack in the middle, or one step above. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees.
5. Go do a load of laundry or read the paper. The stone needs to heat for 20 to 30 minutes and the bread needs to rise. There is some latitude here...I have let the bread sit for as long as an hour.
7. Slide the bread onto the baking stone. It will slide very easily if you have used enough corn meal. Bake for 20 minutes.
Try it! It will be an epic win!
I will be giving away a copy of the book that inspired the recipe in a random drawing on August 18. Simply comment on any post between now and then and your name will be entered into the drawing.
Good luck!